
App Dev Studio


If you are not proficientĀ at programming using JavaScript then please find a tutorial to gain this knowledge before proceeding.

The domo.js library provides someĀ convenient utilities for building custom Apps. The documentation below will give further instructions on how each of these major utilities are used in building a custom App.


domo.js is deployed with every "Hello World" template via domo init. But you can also install it to an existing project via npm:

npm install --save ryuu.js


domo.js makes it easy to request data from Domo. Simply call the data endpoint with your DataSet's alias (sales in this example):

  console.log('data', data);
Best practices
The code above will fetch the entire DataSet. We highly recommend filtering and limiting the data. See Getting Data to learn how to do this.

Domo supports a few different data formats. To specify the one you want, pass an options argument to domo.get:

domo.get('/data/v1/sales', {format: 'csv'}).then(function(data){
  console.log('data', data);

The supported data formats are array-of-objects (default), array-of-arrays, excel, and csv.

The domo http client also supports post, put, and delete methods to satisfy the other http method verbs. They operate very much the same way domo.get works. However, the post and put methods also take a body parameter as the second argument before the options parameter. For all post and put requests, the body is assumed to be in a json format unless the contentType property is set to 'multipart' in the options object. Below is an example of using to do a multipart upload of a file to the Files API.

Code Example

function uploadFile(name, description="", isPublic=true, file){
  const formData  = new FormData();
  formData.append('file', file);
  const url = `/domo/data-files/v1?name=
  const options = { contentType: 'multipart' };

  return, formData, options);


Known limitation
Regular HTML link syntax will not work in Domo Apps. Use the domo.navigate javascript function below to create a link.

Custom Apps can navigate the main window to other locations in Domo. For example, when the user clicks on a user profile image in a Custom App, the page could navigate to that user's profile page.

Using this domo.js library your app can request a navigation change to a specific URL:


If you want the navigation to open a new tab or window rather than navigating away from the current Domo page, pass true as the second argument:

domo.navigate('/profile/3234', true);

Mobile Web

The Domo URLs for mobile web are not always the same as for desktop web. Use the domo.env.platform variable to determine which environment your app is running in.
For mobile web the routes are currently prefixed with /m#. For example /m#/profile/3234.

External Links

Known limitation
For security reasons, Custom Apps can link only to approved, whitelisted domains. This list currently includes,,,,,, & If you need a domain to be whitelisted, email


Some meta-data specific to Domo is passed into the card as query parameters in the iframe.

<iframe src="//">

The domo.js library parses and exposes these in the domo.env object.

Note: This same information is also available by performing a GET request to /domo/environment/v1/. This is the preferred method as it will always return the currently logged in user information rather than whatever is in the URL (which can be modified by a user or copied and pasted when users share links). The downside is that this is an asynchronous HTTP call instead of simply being available as soon as your application loads. As the developer, you will need to weigh these factors when considering which method to use.


An id unique to the user that is viewing the card.

domo.env.userId // Example: 2133179061


The name of the user that is viewing the card.

domo.env.userName // Example: Jane Doe


The name of the customer on which the app has been installed.

domo.env.customer // Example: dev


The locale set on the customer that the app is installed with.

domo.env.locale // Example: en-US


The environment that the app is running on. This may be useful for hiding features that are not ready for production yet.

domo.env.environment // Example: dev3


The platform that the user is using to view the app. Currently only desktop is supported, but there are plans for mobile to be implemented as well.

domo.env.platform // Example: desktop


The id of the page that the card is currently on. Note: this property is only available when the app that you're currently viewing is on a page. If you're on the details page and didn't navigate to it from a page, there's no pageId.

domo.env.pageId // Example: 2089932956


If your app needs to respond to data updates without performing a full app reload, you can use domo.onDataUpdate. See Handling Data Updates.


If you want to add filters to the page that your domo app lives on, you can do so using the domo.filterContainer method. The method takes an array of objects that make up a filter configuration.

Code example

  column: 'category',
  operator: 'IN',
  values: ['ALERT'],
  dataType: 'STRING'

This example will programmatically add a page filter for any column that is named 'category' and has a value of 'ALERT' to only show rows in the dataset who are in an "alert" state.

Filter Configuration

column a string representing the column name

operator the comparison operator that the filter will use. Possible values include:

  • 'EQUALS'
  • 'IN'
  • 'NOT_IN'

values an array of values to compare against.

dataType the type of data that is contained in the values array. Possible values include:

  • 'DATE'
  • 'STRING'


If a page filter is applied to a page and a dataset that is wired to the domoapp is affected by this filter, the domo app will be refreshed by default. In some cases, you may not want the app to refresh because it is in the middle of a stateful operation that needs to continue. In this scenario, you can manually handle the filter event in your app and turn off the default refresh behavior by using the domo.onFiltersUpdate method.

Code Example


// results:
//  {
//    affectedCardUrns: undefined
//    aggregated: undefined
//    aggregation: undefined
//    cardURN: undefined
//    column: "category"
//    dataSourceId: "46d91556-1317-253c-bd99-7e845f98f146"
//    dataType: "string"
//    dateJoinColumn: undefined
//    fiscal: undefined
//    label: "category"
//    operand: "IN"
//    values: ["ALERT"]
//  }